Anytime that you cook pasta or steam vegetables you'll have a lot of extra water. Instead of pouring the water down the drain let it cool off and then use it to water your indoor and outdoor plants! The nutrients from the food that you boil will still be in the food, so it's extra healthy for your plants!
By choosing responsible travel, you can have the fabulous vacation that you've dreamed of, while ensuring that your dollars are benefiting the environment and the local people at your destination. When choosing destinations, accommodations, and tour operators, consider which ones work to protect the environment and benefit local cultures and communities. Choose wisely and ask questions - before you go, while you are there and after you come back. Learn more -
Used coffee grounds are an excellent plant food and soil conditioner; they attract earthworms, which do all kinds of good things for the soil, including providing worm castings, bags of which are ridiculously expensive if you have to buy them. You can toss the grounds directly onto a planting bed; in no time at all, the worms will have worked them into "black gold" for your garden and loosened your soil at the same time. (P.S. Get a reusable filter; I can't vouch for the biodegradability of the paper kind as I've not used them for a decade.)