Looking for a New Job Title? How About Chief Sustainability Officer.

Red Bull has one. The North Face has one. Virgin Atlantic, Coca-Cola, Apple, they all have one. Turns out, the most coveted job title at many businesses nowadays isn't CEO or VP of Marketing. Nope, in today's world the job title to have is Chief Sustainability Officer. Working on tasks that range from the greening of day-to-day business practice to helping ensure that EPA regulations are met or exceded, the CSO is quickly moving from trend to necessity as organizations look to keep work places sustainable, innovative, competitive, environmentally aware, and safe. So if you're passionate about eco-friendly practices and economic growth, sustainability and green innovation, healthy employees and a healthy bottom line, or simply want a resume worth talking about, check out these graduate programs in Sustainable MBAs: Presidio School of Management and Bainbridge Graduate Institute.